Monday, September 23, 2013

Inspiration for Week Four

           Onward into week four!  It’s Monday and I’ve enjoyed a relaxing and fulfilling weekend at home.  Now, we’ve returned to Atlanta and the Hope Lodge for week four of this seven week adventure.  Coming back to the lodge today was like coming home.  We’re getting to know the folks here and it’s genuinely good to see them again after a weekend away.

            So, today was treatment number 15 of 33, so almost halfway.  I met a new radiation therapist today.  The therapists are all so friendly.  It’s not like a typical doctor’s office visit where there is little familiarity.  I’m getting to know the radiation therapists and they are all super individuals who genuinely enjoy their work.  
           Muggy’s glad to be back at the lodge with me.  She’s doing her best to spoil me with her care-giving.  I only hope she remembers that when she thinks I’ve turned into a big baby, it’s really all her fault!!

            We moved into a new unit here at the Lodge.  It has more room than our previous abode.  We are ever appreciative to the American Cancer Society for their support and care. 
             You may notice some ads now appearing on my blog!  I’ve been approved by Google for posting of ads.  I’m not sure what the criteria is, but I think it may have something

to do with the number of views.  I’m very excited about this the next level in my blogging experience.  I guess you could say I’m now a professional blogger!!  Thanks to all for your support!!  I certainly hope that readers don’t find this annoying, but if you do, please let me know.

            There was some sadness at home yesterday.  The Johnsons came over to help us close the pool for the season.  We used to keep it open until November 1st as that’s Erik’s birthday and he always swam on that day.  He’s gotten a little older and a little wiser and does not feel the need to swim in November any longer.  It’s always a sad day when the pool gets covered. 
The backyard loses it flair, it’s bon vivant attitude of that says, "let’s enjoy the weather and the world and the water!!”  Alas, I now look forward to March and the opening.  
            Soon, the dogwoods will turn to the resplendent red.  The squirrels are already performing their annual death-defying feats of hanging upside down from tiny little branches so they can eat the berries from the dogwoods.  And, the gingko in the front yard will soon turn to a vibrant, yellow!  I love fall!  But then, I love all the seasons.

            My good friend Steffy L. who's a writer also, exercised her creativity earlier today and wrote a poem inspired by my picture and comments about looking forward to spring.  I'm sharing it here:  

Spring Again Soon 
                                                    by Stephanie Lindner

Yes! It will be spring again soon. 
Though in this season leaves are falling, 
and winter’s cold may painfully await. 
I know my Lord is Lord of this’ season 
and eagerly I wait— 
 for the spring of life 
when tender hope is blossoming 
and fears like snow—melt soon. 
My God, my hope, 
my future with You my heart’s in tune.

         Thanks Steffy!!

         I remain incredibly upbeat.  I’m definitely experiencing mouth and throat soreness but nothing that I consider intolerable.  Well, after all, I am quite a beast at taking the tough times don’tcha know?!?!  Seriously, I’m blessed by God’s favor and grace to be feeling as good as I do.  Not that there ever was any doubt about it, but I am certainly in this for the duration and determined to finish strong. 

            Blessings to all!!  Thanks for the thoughts, prayers and candles!!  

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