it’s 4:45 AM Sunday morning and here I sit.
Sometimes God wakes me up to pray or think about something or someone in
particular. Sometimes it’s an
opportunity to take some real quiet time to catch up on a few thoughts and
ideas. This morning it seems to be a
desire to catch up on recapping a truly blessed day.
Saturday was nothing if not amazing! I
began the day with coffee with Muggy. It
was my second cup of the week. If you
know me at all, you must realize that is out of the ordinary; but, then again,
I guess my/our lives have been out of the ordinary of late. I didn’t drink much as the taste was a little
too much for my tongue and throat. And,
I had decided I was well enough to get on with the next appointment in my day.
had breakfast with young Dylan J. It’s
something he and I started a week ago on Saturday mornings. Dylan gets up early while the rest of the
house sleeps and since I normally do also, I suggested the two of us go out for
breakfast. Dylan was all in!! We’ve hit two of the Waffle Houses in town
now; it’s a southern thing. Dylan
ordered his usual, a waffle with chocolate chips and an order of bacon. We talked of school and therapy, sharing
interesting tidbits of our separate lives.
This young man is a deep thinker.
He’s shared with me that he’s working on a monologue for one of his
classes. The assignment is to compose a
monologue for a character from history.
You know what this insightful young man is writing about? He’s characterizing the pilot of the Enola Gay
and his thoughts and feelings after just having dropped the atomic bomb! Pretty deep thinking isn’t it?
dropped Dylan off at home and then drove off with a nagging sense that I should
have gone inside to greet the rest of the family. I got four blocks down the street and won the
argument. I turned around and headed
back. I was blessed to receive an entire
series of Johnson Family hugs! What an
amazing blessing for early on a Saturday morning.
it was home to greet Erik and Muggy. I’d
brought the majority of my breakfast home with me as my appetite is certainly
not on full alert these days. I did,
however, consider that young padawan Erik would likely appreciate the eggs,
toast and hash browns. He did.
also needed to catch up on my medications.
As you can imagine, I’m taking a few meds these days. I still don’t think it’s as much as Muggy
takes on a daily basis, but WAY more than I like having to take. But, the pills help in promoting my general
feeling good and I perceive that to be an excellent thing! (Pretty perceptive of me huh?!?!).
while later, Muggy and I hopped in the IROC and headed for Panera to meet up
with the Holobinkos and Johnsons for lunch.
Much conversation, a little wild rice soup and the promise of a carrot
cake muffin later on. Good friends and
good food are SUCH a blessing!
noon, I was pretty tired and ready to lounge for the afternoon. Somewhat to Muggy’s dismay, the “Dawgs” were
on T.V. and I asked if she minded if I watched the game. I’m not a huge sports fan, but if I just want
to chill, watching a game I’m interested in is a worthwhile activity. But, I almost had to turn it off before the
half. It seems the North Texas “Mean
Green” came to Sanford Stadium with the idea in their heads to upset a ranked
team. It was quite a fistfight for the
first half. Usually, if the team I want
to win is losing, it’s because I’m watching (it’s not weird if it works!), so I
turn the T.V. off. I didn’t do it in
this case and Georgia prevailed handily.
think there were some moments of napping interspersed over the next two to
three hours. I do love those power naps!
spoke with CB (cancer buddy) Tressie B. a while later and got caught up on
what’s going on in her world. Then made
sure that Tressie and Jimmy knew they were welcome to stop by for coffee, tea
and conversation. This is a Saturday
afternoon thing the four of us have been doing for three weeks now. It’s therapeutic for us all.
predicted rain finally arrived and we planned our gourmet dinner of beanies and
weenies. Before dinner, we realized that
“CB” Kellie J needed our assistance as she had borrowed our truck the night
before to move some furniture. Trouble
was, they didn’t get back from Alabama until 2:00 am and had to leave the
furniture in the truck, uncovered. As it
was raining now, we determined that it was probably a good idea to get the
furniture under cover. We knew Kellie
wasn’t up to the task, so off we went in the pouring rain. I’m really glad we were able to get that
furniture inside as I’m relatively confident that it would have been
ruined. And Kellie was very
appreciative. This is the kind of thing
that Muggy and I love doing; facing a little adversity to help someone.
then it was home to much anticipated repast of beanie-weenies and some time in
front of the tube. After some
frustration trying to find something decent to watch, we took a chance on movie
we’d never heard of, Elizabethtown.
OMG!! What a great, good feeling
movie. Watch it sometime. Stay with when it seems lame. You’ll wonder where the story is going and
you’ll be unsure if you want to stay with it.
that was a wonderful Saturday and it that’s not really, really positive
therapy, I don’t know what is!
for reading! Blessings!
Ken the following was the offertory hymn at church today. You came to mind.
Let the Peace of God Reign
Father of Life draw me closer
Lord my heart is set on You
Let me run the race of time
With your life enfolding mine
And let the peace of God let it reign
Oh Holy Spirit, Lord, my comfort
Strengthen me, hold my head up high
And I stand upon Your truth
Bringing glory unto You
And let the peace of God let it reign
Oh Lord I hunger for more of You
Rise up within me let me know Your truth
Oh Holy Spirit, saturate my soul
And let the life of God
Fill me now, let your healing power
Breathe life and make me whole
And let the peace of God, let it reign.
Oh Holy Spirit, Lord, my comfort
Strengthen me, hold my head up high
And I stand upon Your truth
Bringing glory unto You
And let the peace of God let it reign
Oh Lord I hunger for more of You
Rise up within me let me know Your truth
Oh Holy Spirit, saturate my soul
And let the life of God
Fill me now, let your healing power
Breathe life and make me whole
And let the peace of God, let it reign.