Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Recipe for Baked Neck

Recipe for Baked Neck

Take 1 medium sized neck

Wash thoroughly

Preferable to remove any lumps prior to cooking

Use Varian brand linear accelerator

Ensure the proper application of cooking rays courtesy of calculations from your friendly dosimetrist

From above calculations, manipulate the Multi-Leaf Collimater (MLC) to apply precisely

Secure the neck by means of a plastic mesh mask

Use double lasers to further ensure correct dosage is applied precisely

Have all other personnel vacate the room

Cook for sixty seconds five days per week for six weeks, plus three more days for good measure

Results:  One well-cooked neck, and yes, it does hurt.

Well Done Neck


  1. Ouch! Praying for you brother. Too bad your name is Shadrach. Meshach, or Adednego. It'll be over soon. Dale M.
