Friday, August 30, 2013

Body Piercings

            OK, interesting title for a blog entry huh?!  As some of you may know, I’ve recently had my left ear pierced.  Some find it a little surprising that a retired Air Force Lt. Col. would have his ear pierced.  Of course, most of those who find that strange, also find it strange that my hair is rapidly approaching shoulder length. 
We were in one of the myriad doctors’ offices we’ve been in over the past two months and someone says to me, “Retired Air Force? You look more like retired Key West!” 
            I’ll take that says I!! 

So, I’ve now gotten into body piercings; so to speak.  

Body Piercing, "Justin Case"

       Ladies and gentlemen, please let me introduce you to Justin, my new body piercing.  No lip or nose ring for me!! No sir-ee Bob!  I want a tube attached to mine; AND mine is functional too!  I can down up to 50 ml of liquid through mine in about five seconds.
        How cool is that?!?!?

           Justin has a last name also.  It’s Case.  So, now Justin Case has joined the adventure.  He’s here just in case I’m in need of some nourishment and find myself unable to use my mouth and throat in a normal manner.  Get it?
Brother Steve, usually my source for something witty, suggested that I call it Albert Hall and Blackburn Lancashire (from the Beatles’ song “A Day in the Life”) “and now we know how many holes it takes to fill Ken Hanson…”.  A witty idea, but a little too formal for my body piercing.
We received wonderful news yesterday.  We will be living at the Hope Lodge in Decatur for the duration of the therapy at Emory.  The Hope Lodge is a residence for cancer patients sponsored (apparently) by Winn-Dixie and the American Cancer Society.  Beautiful location, nice rooms, lots of socializing areas, kitchens to prepare meals in, etc. and shuttle buses to and from the clinics.  We will live there during the week and then we will go home on weekends.  And, it doesn’t cost us anything. God is good!!  We are inclined to think we will be making a donation to the American Cancer Society.  If anyone else wishes to, please do!
So, Tuesday is the start date.  We will leave home in the care of Erik on Monday afternoon for check-in by 4:00 pm at the Hope Lodge.  Chemotherapy begins Tuesday morning at 8:30, then radiation at 1:00 pm.
We’re hosting a soiree here at the house on Sunday afternoon for the other families who are also dealing with cancer at this time.  We’re rapidly becoming our own little support group.  I’m also planning to have some fun with the color of my hair starting Sunday, so watch the blog for pictures.
Once again, I simply cannot express the depth of gratitude for everyone’s well wishes and support.  Blessings to y’all!!

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